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E-Mail Marketing

By targeted e-mail marketing, you can communicate directly with decision-makers at companies within a precise target group.

Warm leads via e-mail campaigns
Speak directly with decision-makers
Full-service assignments

Relevance and follow-up

Communicate relevant and valuable content directly with your target group through an e-mail marketing campaign. Conducting an e-mail campaign is quick and easy, and very cost-effective. We will help you to identify your target group based on industry, title, location, size of company, etc.

After your e-mails have been distributed, you will receive a statistical report and contact details for all the decision-makers who have been active in your mailing. With a single mailing, we can potentially give you hundreds of leads to process.

It is important that you follow up your e-mail marketing campaigns and evaluate the results. We at Largestcompanies will be happy to help you with follow-up, such as booking meetings and signing up for seminars and training courses. Read more!